Saturday 25 February 2012

I love you for a thousand more

Stuck in my head

Everyone has a right to be insane

Doing something out of our mind feels awesome. Sometimes we might regret after the actions but we only live once! Why should we care how others think or feel about us? teehee.. 

Was out with my friends for dinner, I don't know what was on my mind. Took friend's ipod and camwhore! 

When I am happy, I see the happiness in others. When I am depressed, I notice that people's eyes look sad. When I am weary, I see the world as boring and unattractive.
Sometimes we miss happiness by looking too far for things that are nearby.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Finally I am Back

After few months not updating any post, I finally took the effort to update.TADA!~
I've been away for awhile. I dont know about you, but I had a rather disturbing time for the past few months. I had ups and downs, laughs and tears, progress and defects. I used to be very active blogger. I miss my old blog. I miss the things that I wrote, the way how I express myself in there which makes me spend sometime on my own to do self reflect with the things I said and done. I never thought I will go through so much in life. I found myself struggling through life the roller coaster that I gone through can never be erase from my memory. Lets just cut everything short and simple for now. I am just going to sum up everything that happened.  

Well, a little update about my life. I finally got myself a DSLR camera which means I can now finally learn and improve on my photography skill. A picture worth a thousand words. I realize that I can no longer express myself through words. Hence, the pictures. :) 

Hello 600D
Good enough for a newbie like me. :) 

For the past few months, Girls' Brigade ministry really took up most of my time. From the company level to the state level to the national level. 

Firstly was the Christmas Musical, 

Christmas in Reverse basically tells the story of how Christmas came to be. This musical starts off at the manger scene where the shepherds, wise men, Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus are gathered. With the choir singing the story in the background, the narrators move on to tell the story of why Christ came to earth. Christmas in Reverse takes us back to the very beginning – the Garden of Eden. There we see how man first sinned and how they were separated from God at that moment. Next, the musical shows the time of Noah and the ark. During Noah’s time, there were many sinful people. God was not pleased with the evil and sinful people and only found Noah and his family worthy to be saved. God told Noah to build an ark and gather 2 of every species of animals. People around Noah and his family thought that he had gone crazy and did not believe him when he said a big flood was coming. Soon the flood came and it rain continuously for 40 days and 40 nights. When the flood was over, God sent the rainbow as His covenant towards the people and as a promise that He shall never again flood the earth. Many years later, Jesus was sent to earth by God through a virgin named Mary, who was betrothed to a carpenter named Joseph. She conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus was born in Bethlehem in a stable.This production had been in planning since early 2011. This production is my first production that I'm involve fully in the organizing committee team. It was really a great learning experience. I used to think that to be part of the committee member, we will first need to be good in something. For instance, acting, singing etc. I'm always shy and I know that I am never good with musics and vocal. I used to dislike joining such things thinking that others will give me the look that I can never accept. I am very concious on how people look at me, judge me or think of me. Is bad I know. But yea that's how I see that group of people. Back to the production. I'm asked to be the stage manager and work with many different people in the church. As stage manager, I will need to know everything that is happening but somehow I felt that I'm always left out. Maybe because of my age and my experience. Nevertheless, I learn really alot through this production. Not just the experience, I build a better relationship with others too. The biggest satisfaction I have is that the girls learn a lot through the musical. Looking at the excitement, the joy and commitment they gave, is all worth it. Lets just leave the grief and dissatisfaction to God and let him decide what and how I should do to improve myself. :) All in all, this would not have been a success without the guidance from Him. We all truly thanked God for His continuous blessings towards the musical. Indeed He has been nothing but a great and faithful God towards us. As Luke 1:37 “For nothing is impossible with God” what we thought was a near impossible feat was made possible.

Next, Fonomarae 2011. 

Let me share my message I wrote on the Fonomarae handbook..

  In 2006, as a senior from 1st Kuala Lumpur Company I attended the 7th Fonomarae.  Today I’m a Warrant Officer and chairing this 8th Fonomarae Malaysia Organising Committee.  During my Senior girl years and from the camp, I learned that being grateful changes me, it brings joy and laughter into my life and into the lives of all those around me.  There’s a quote that says “reflect each day on all you have to be grateful for and you will receive more to be grateful of”.  Be mindful of Romans 12:2 - "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Being grateful and appreciative of someone or something in my life opens the door for me to receive and love others without conditions attached. It actually adds value to my life - my life transformed, His world enriched.  I’ve grown up as a girl meeting different people in the Girls’ Brigade, and now I’m involved in the youth ministry. Seeing the girls fit in and growing in Christ reminds me of the path I once walked through.
Fonomarae is unique to GB only and there was Fonomarae in other countries  like New Zealand, Australia and Zimbabwe. Initially I was very reluctant to take up the position and organize such a big camp. However, after giving some thought, I changed my mind.  Reason is because, such camp does not happen often in Girls Brigade. We hardly have a gathering of more than 300 girls and with international participation as well. Therefore, I do not want the girls to miss the opportunity to experience what I have experienced before, which is the fun, the excitement and the opportunity to know girls from other countries. Therefore I took up the challenge and accepted this task.  This is my testimony. God wants me to share my personal experience with the girls about my life being transformed by Him. Though the responsibilities are heavy but I believe that "I can do all this through him who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13. Not my will but His be done.
As time passed, I realized how much God has changed me through circumstances in my life. There are many obstacles I faced throughout the years when I’m in Girls Brigade but God cared more about my character than to spoil me with what I think I need in my life. The transformation that God had done made me who I am today and I know He is still guiding and teaching me each day. Through Girls’ Brigade, my life has been enriched from not knowing Christ to knowing Christ as my personal Saviour. I sincerely pray that girls will find an enriched life in Christ Jesus and may you also enjoy this 8th FONOMARAE 2011 to the fullest!  Don’t forget - a life of gratitude.

That's my message to the girls. 

Personally, taking up this camp was really a big calling from God. It was my first time managing such big camp which involve people from Asia countries. It was a challenge to myself. Is really though. Something that I think many will not experience it. I'm glad I took the challenge up and with the support from my good friends, family and my mentor, I am glad that the camp ran smoothly and seeing that the girls enjoyed themselves and have good memories make it all worth it. A smile from them makes me feel that all the pain and bitter moments worth. :) Glory to God

 <3 them

That's about it. The major event that happened in my cycle of life. 
I shall update more in the next post. 
till then...